Welcome/Call to Worship
Good morning! I’m Pastor Ashley. To those here in the sanctuary and those joining us online: we are so glad you’re here!
This morning, we will sing songs of worship, pray together, hear from scripture and one another, as we move toward the pinnacle of our service: the table of our Lord, where we will take the bread and drink the cup in remembrance of our most Gracious Host, Jesus. The purpose of our time together each Sunday is to bring our hearts closer to the heart of God, so I invite you to participate in as much or as little in our prepared liturgy as your spirit is willing.
We welcome all sounds and smells from the youngest to the oldest among us. The Kids Corner is in the back for anyone who needs to move around and play to worship God this morning. There is also a nursery available. We know that the energy and spirit of children can be different than adults and we consider that reality a gift.
There are information cards in the pew in front of you—if you are a guest, or if you have moved and have not updated your info with the church, please fill it out and drop it in the offering plate when it goes by later in worship.
For those watching online or for those who would like to follow along, our liturgy for every service is posted on our website before the service begins.
We invite you to Sunday School at 10 AM every week. There’s classes that meet in the Seekers room and the Parlor. There is also a combined children and youth class that meets in the MUB. Godly Play meets behind the sanctuary for our younger elementary students.
To keep up with all the life we live together here at Azle Christian Church, make sure you follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. Subscribe to our weekly e-blast and monthly newsletter on our website.
We conclude our worship series today: Dear Church: A Study of Philippians. .
Let’s pray to turn our hearts toward God for this hour.
Spirit of truth, open to us the scriptures, speaking your holy word through song, through the bread and cup, and through offering ourselves, and meet us here today in the living Christ. Amen.
Litany of Faith
One: The Lord is high, yet the Lord cares for the lowly and perceives the haughty from afar.
All: Though I walk in the midst of trouble, you keep me safe;
One: You stretch forth your hand against the fury of my enemies;
All: Your right hand shall save me.
One: O Lord, you will make your purpose for me;
All: O Lord, your love endures forever; do not abandon the work of your hands.
(Psalm 138:7-9)
Pastoral Prayer
The Lord be with you.
Join me in prayer.
Great God of our faith, we want to be like the Psalmist who can say so confidently that You are their light and salvation. Even on days when our confidence wavers, we sing this song in hope that it will be true for us once again, that those around us can believe for us.
We give thanks for the community of faith in this place, for the community that stretches centuries before us, for the communion of saints that is always present, for our place in the long, long story of God. We give thanks for the words of our ancestors, who can give language when our words fail. We give thanks for the words of our friends and family of God, who can articulate our here and now in light of our faith ancestors’ words.
God of blinding light and mysterious salvation, we remember that when Jesus called the disciples, he did not say, “Believe this and that, adhere to this rule, agree with so-and-so, and memorize such-and-such tenets.” Jesus said simply, “Come follow me.” He invited them on a journey, an adventure, an apprenticeship.
In the same way, when the news overwhelms us, when the circumstances of our lives shout at us, when the things we hear in this room together seem like wishful thinking, you do not admonish us or bully us into belief. You simply say, “Come with me.” You accompany us, You lead us.
Help us to follow You, to trust that this story You have invited us into is real and worth it. When belief seems impossible, help us to put one foot in front of the other. When we struggle to find our place in Your story, help us to lean on the ones around us to show us the way.
And now, O God, in the words of the one who bid his disciples come, we pray together in the prayer Jesus taught us to pray…
Our Father, who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy name
Thy Kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our debts as we forgive our debtors
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil
For thine is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever.
Our text and our sermon today are one in the same. You see, our text was not written by Paul or a student of Paul. No invisible hand of God dropped down to write what we will read.
No, you have written the text for today. You have written the sermon.
Over the past few weeks, you have been filling out little scraps of paper with simple prompts about life at Azle. What do you love? What do you see? What do you remember? What do you hope for? What do you pray for? All of your answers have been shaped into a letter from Azle Christian Church to Azle Christian Church. In a succinct and coherent way, this letter captures how you see yourself and what you hope for yourself.
As the church leaders in Philippi did, I will read it in our assembly. While I personally filled out a little scrap of paper each week, none of what I wrote is in this letter. All of these sentiments are yours. Sometimes the very words are yours exactly as you wrote them. References to God in name, in metaphor, in pronoun—they’re all yours.
Are you ready to hear what you have to say?
To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Azle, Texas, with the elders, the deacons, the acolytes, the board members, the cabinet, the whole host of committees, the coffee makers, the donut diners, the plant caretakers, the nursery workers, the children’s volunteers, the groundskeepers, the choir members, the ukuleles, and the prayer group:
Grace to you and peace from God our Parent and the Lord Jesus Christ.
I thank my God for every remembrance of you, always in every single one of my prayers for all of you, praying with joy for your partnership in the gospel from your brush arbor beginnings until now.
I want you to know, brothers and sisters, that your enduring faithfulness is a testament to God’s work in the world around you. From the moment the church began until now, word of your care for the community of Azle has spread and it is a witness to the love of Christ. Some proclaim Christ through word, but you proclaim Christ with deed.
You have filled the food pantry time and again, you have handed out endless bags of produce, you have paid electric bills and bought gas for people you don’t even know, and for that I rejoice. You alsodivert money away from your own budget in order to further the reign of God in mission work across the state and across borders.
Indeed, you do not regard borders and lines in the sand as relevant to the love of God. It is said that you open your arms, your minds, and your hearts to many diverse groups and individuals. You welcome and nurture and learn from people who are different than you, sharing everything, especially your faith.
In tender love and understanding, you practice the welcome of the table in all parts of your lives—there is space for everyone and their questions, anyone and their doubts, all with their diverse beliefs and identities. May you continue to be a beacon of love and hope to all who walk through the door.
I see Christ in you, saints of Azle, when you gather, when you share what you have, when you are generous with your tears and your love, when the sounds of your voices swell in worship each time you gather. The Lord Jesus Christ, in whom we live and breathe, is among you every time you care for others and learn new things. You have grown in grace and truth over the past few years in ways your humble beginnings would not believe, but the light of Christ has never shined brighter in you.
We remember that COVID came and changed the landscape of community, and yet you are still here. We remember that the Big Freeze and the Great Flood came and shuttered your doors, and yet you never missed a Sunday. And even in those tumultuous times, the grace of God, the One who is all around us, who is within us, who is always with us, filled your time together.
Do you remember the sweetness of those first few Sundays in the Heritage? Do you remember how you stepped into something historic, you, a new thing that God has done, and the joy of being together again after so long filled your hearts to the brim? It was a joy that can only be compared to a child’s baptism, to one’s first mission trip, and to the cold, crisp night of a midnight Christmas Eve service.
For the youngest among you, may you know deep in your bones that everyone here supports you. May you find in this church a safe and friendly place where you can grow and be comfortable in your beliefs and in your doubts. May you not be afraid to ask questions, no matter how silly they may seem.
And little ones, courageous ones, may you be brave enough to stand up to and challenge dysfunctional systems perpetuated by those who have gone before you. May you be accepted for who you are.
And in all things, may you find an enduring faith in which you are deeply rooted in the love and the community of God.
For those in midlife, may you share yourself with the church, with the younger and the older among you. May you be available to go where God leads you, knowing you are loved and important. May there be a space for you to cultivate community and nurture friendship, no matter what form that takes, so that you may grow in your faith. May you incline your ear not only to those older, but also to those younger.
And for the oldest in the church, do you remember the most important thing of all? That you, dear one, are always and still a precious child of God. You are loved and worthy and valued. May this good news not be news to you, but something you know deep in your heart.
I encourage you, sage saints of Azle, to be not afraid to ask for help. May the blessing you have given to others be given to you, received by you. And may you have abundant opportunities to share your wisdom and see, really see, your value beyond it.
Let us not forget, brothers and sisters, that God is love. God is love. God is love. If there were a song for Azle, it would be this: God is love. And we are God’s image; whatever he or she looks like, God looks like us. Or rather, we look like God. All of us in our diverse images.
And so, church of God in Azle, may you stand fast in this love, sharing the responsibility of all it asks of us. May you prayerfully replenish that love by collectively working together to address issues in the church, in the community, and in the world. May you remember our brother Jesus, and how his table draws us together over and over again.
May this table remind us that Christ brings us together as people with different ideas and backgrounds to do his work in this place, providing sanctuary to all no matter who they are, what they have done, or what they have experienced. May the tradition that has been set continue, the sacred and holy practice of welcome.
May this community be a soft place to land for anyone who has experienced exclusion or spiritual harm. May we continue to discern what our sacred text tells us of God and ourselves, and may we practice the inclusiveness of God’s love always.
Greet every saint in Christ Jesus with hope and joy. You are not alone and you are not the end of the story.
The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit.
Sharing Our Resources
There are many ways to support and resource the ministries of Azle Christian Church. You can give online on our website, on Venmo, or in the offering plate as the deacons come by during our final song.
We are delighted to welcome Dora and Jason McDonald and Kilian McDonald-Boyer to the Azle Christian Church family. They have been among us for some time, but they are making it official today and joining as members. What a great day for the church! Dora, Jason, and Kilian, will you come to the front please?
I invite all of you to turn to #341 in your Chalice hymnals for our affirmation of new members. The affirmation will also be on the screen for us to read together.
Join me in this welcome:
Reaffirming our own faith in Jesus the Christ,
We gladly welcome you into this community of faith,
Enfolding you with our love
And committing ourselves to your care.
In the power of God’s Spirit
Let us mutually encourage each other to trust God and strengthen one
Another to serve others,
That Christ’s church may in all things stand faithful.
Dora, Jason, and Kilian, we welcome you with joy in the common life of this church.
We promise you our friendship and prayers
As we share the hopes and labors of the church of Jesus Christ.
By the power of the Holy Spirit
May we continue to grow together in God’s knowledge and love
And be witnesses of our risen Savior.
Welcome, and amen.
If you’d like to become a member of this faith community, or if you’d like to become a disciple of Jesus, please talk with me after service or sometime this week.
Please rise in body or spirit for our benediction, the final song, and the Doxology.
Our benediction for this series comes from the first chapter of Philippians. It’s our last time to receive it. Here it is:
This is my prayer, that your love may overflow more and more with knowledge and full insight to help you to determine what really matters, so that in the day of Christ you may be pure and blameless, having produced the harvest of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ for the glory and praise of God. Amen.