A Commitment to Service.png

At the heart of Azle Christian Church is a commitment to service. Below are a few of the avenues we use to share the love of Christ with our community.

Food Hub

Food Hub occurs on the fourth Sunday of every month from 8 am - 11 am. We have generous donors who provide the food bags for free to the community. At 8 am volunteers pack bags full of fruits and veggies and dry goods, and at 9 am people can receive the food. This ministry not only makes quality food more accessible to the community but gives us the opportunity to meet our Azle neighbors as well!


Little Free Pantry

Our Little Free Pantry (A.K.A. Blessing Box) feeds people every single day! Our members and friends in the community regularly fill it with nonperishable items to serve the food insecure people in our neighborhood. The pantry was initially started by our Disciples Men Ministry, but it has quickly become an all-church project. We periodically do food drives and depend on the extravagant generosity of our members to keep it filled.


Drive for compassion

Are you looking for a way to help a variety of charities in the Azle, Springtown area through one fundraising event?

The 24th Annual Drive for Compassion Golf Classic will take place at Cross Timber Golf Course on October 5, 2024. We are hoping to have Spring Creek Barbecue donate lunch again as they have for the previous events.

Proceeds from the Drive for Compassion Golf Classic will be distributed to the following charities: BackPack for Kids, Castle Hills Mission House, Springtown Neighbor to Neighbors, Good N.E.W.S., Safe Harbor Counseling Center, Tarrant Area Food Bank, Robert Landers Youth Golf, and Heather’s Old Skool Village. Since the inception of the Drive for Compassion, $375,000+ has been raised for charities. 

Give online today HERE!

To learn more about how to sponsor or get involved, call the church office at 817-444-3527.