Mosaic Faith - #5 Deconstructing Evangelism & Mission

Welcome & Opening Prayer – Rev. Russell Clark


Good morning church!


I am Russell Clark and I have been the senior pastor at Azle Christian Church for one year now! Today marks the one year anniversary for me as your senior pastor and for Jessie Button as our worship minister! This first year has flown by so quickly and we are SO thankful to be in ministry with you all! We look forward to continuing to serve Azle Christian Church and seeing what God has in store for us for year 2!


If you are new to our church, there is information in your bulletin about filling out the attendance registration and getting connected with us, about how we love our kids here and we have space in the back for them to move around or our nursery if needed, and how to find our liturgy on our website.




May we open up our time of worship with a prayer:


Lord, we come to you to celebrate our graduates and how far you have brought the! We celebrate Jessie and I being in ministry here for one year! We look forward to where you will lead our graduates and this church on our journey to love and serve you and become who you have called us to be! Guide our steps as we look to you for our future! Amen.


May we take a moment before we get started to greet one another with a hug or a high five.


Opening Songs:   

Sometimes you've gotta dance through the darkness

Sing through the fire

Praise when it don't make sense

Sometimes you've gotta stare down the giant

Worship from the lion's den

Sometimes you've gotta shout it from the mountain

Louder in the valley

Trusting that He's gonna get you there

Sometimes you've gotta welcome the wonder

Wait for the answer

Worship with your hands in the air

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Sometimes you've gotta praise in the prison

Cry out to heaven

Shout it 'til the doors swing wide

Sometimes you've gotta stand on your shackles

Brave in the battle

Worship with your hands held high

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the–

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Faithful all my life

Blessings day and night

Countless reasons why

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept

Goodness every step

Each and every breath

I'll praise You anywhere

Faithful all my life

Blessings day and night

Countless reasons why

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept

Goodness every step

Each and every breath

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Oh, I'll praise You anywhere

Oh, mountain, oh, valley

I know that You're with me there

I'll praise You anywhere

Our Father everlasting

The all-creating One

God Almighty

Through your Holy Spirit

Conceiving Christ the Son

Jesus our Saviour

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

Our Judge and our Defender

Suffered and crucified

Forgiveness is in You

Descended into darkness

You rose in glorious light

Forever seated high

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in You

I believe You rose again

I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord

(I believe)

And I believe in You

I believe You rose again

I believe that Jesus Christ is Lord

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

(We believe in Lord Jesus)

I believe in life eternal

I believe in the virgin birth

I believe in the saints' communion

And in Your Holy Church

I believe in the resurrection

When Jesus comes again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

I believe in God our Father

I believe in Christ the Son

I believe in the Holy Spirit

Our God is three in One

I believe in the resurrection

That we will rise again

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

For I believe in the Name of Jesus

Praise you, Lord

Worship you, Jesus



Litany of Faith Susie Hiles

One: Lord, will you bless our graduates as they continue on their journey. Help them to seek who you have called them to be.

All: Will you guide their steps, Lord, and lead them to life everlasting.

One: Will you also be with us as we help all of your children to find their unique calling in this life.

All: May we raise all of our children to know of God’s grace and love. May they know how deeply they are loved by this church and how they will always have our support as they take this next step in their lives. Amen.


Scripture Meditation – Proverbs 22:6

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”


One: This is the word of God for the people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.


It’s appropriate on this Graduation Sunday that we are continuing our Mosaic Faith series talking about deconstructing evangelism and mission. Today is all about our purpose & calling on our journey. In some ways, our purpose and calling is the same. In other ways, we each have a unique calling specifically for us.


This scripture verse means a lot to parents and grandparents and guardians. We hope that we are guiding the children in our lives in the right way so they will grow up to be wonderful men and women. But it’s important to note that it says, “Start children off on the way THEY should go; not on the way WE want them to go.”


Our children might not go the way WE want them to go, but our prayer is not MY will be done, but THY will be done. Our hope should be for God to guide them where God is leading them.


May we ask for God to guide our children, our grandchildren, our loved ones, and ourselves on the way God call us to go, even if this is different than what our family might want from us. It’s important to follow our heart and seek after who God calls you to be – “not your brother, not your sister, but it’s me, O Lord. Standing in the need of prayer.”


There’s no one like you. Who is God calling YOU to be at this phase of your journey?


We’ll be talking about this more when we get to the sermon. Let us think about this as we enter our time of prayer…



Graduate Recognition


We ask for our graduates to come forward to be recognized at this time.


We applaud you for your accomplishment and we ask God to guide you on the next phase of your journey. If you would like to share your name, what school you graduated from, and what your plans are next for school or career?


Daryn Ford

Tye Hernandez

Brady Newquist

Cameron Weger


May we pray for you:


Lord, we give thanks for these graduates & their accomplishments. We know that they have not been alone in their journey, but their family and friends have supported them along the way and will continue to do so in their future. May they know they can rely on you, Lord, to direct their next steps and lead them on a path full of joy, purpose, and a whole, complete life. May they come to know your love and grace for them more and how you will always be with them on their journey, just as this church and their families and friends will always be here for support and cheering them on in the future. This life will be full of triumphs and failures, tough moments that teach us what not to do again, and beautiful moments that we will always want to hold onto. For every moment to come, may you continue to mold these young men, Lord, in good times and bad to bring the best out of them. In your name we pray and play, Amen.


Congratulations on behalf of Azle Christian Church and your families and we look forward to seeing what you do next!


Time of Prayer & Reflection


One: The Lord be with you.

All: And also with you.

One: Let us pray.


God of peace –


We lift up those in our church, our families, & our community who have suffered losses from tragic car accidents, from the tornadoes and bad storms, and for those dealing with difficult health issues. May you comfort us in our grief and give us the strength to care for ourselves and reach out to those who need to know they’re not alone.


May our relationships grow deeper as we get to know one another, may our lives have greater purpose to share the love you have shown to us, and may we continue to deconstruct the thoughts and ways that separate us from you so we can be reconstructed to see more of who you are and who we are.


Take this church on a new journey for a new day, continually guiding our leaders, staff, members, and guests to be in ministry to the world. May we care for one another and our community, may we lift up the children & youth who need our guidance, and may we love & serve more than we thought was possible.


May we be a church who empowers the marginalized, gives hope to the broken, and rebuilds a stronger, mosaic faith where everyone is able to see the beauty of a life being a disciple of Jesus Christ.


For our beloved Karen Jett, who we lost this week, we pray for David and his family and all who loved Karen. Karen was our biggest cheerleader screaming, “Amen!” and “OWESOME” from where she sat. She was an example to all of us of having a passion for life, compassion for one another, and being a bright spirit everywhere you go. She was a disciple who definitely saw this beauty all around her. She will be deeply missed.


And Lord, will you hear us as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us…


Our Father, who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our debts

As we forgive our debtors

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.



Responsive Hymn –  

Sister, let me be your servant.

brother, let me walk with you;

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.

We are pilgrims on a journey.

fellow trav'lers on the road.

We are here to help each other

Walk the mile and bear the load.

I will weep when you are weeping.

When you laugh, I'll laugh with you.

I will share your joy and sorrow

Till we've seen this journey thro'.

When we sing to God in heaven,

We shall find such harmony

Born of all we've known together

Of great love and agony.

Brother, let me be your servant.

Sister, let me walk with you;

Pray that I might have the grace

To let you be my servant, too.


Children’s Moment Susie Hiles


Sharing Our Resources


At this time may we give all of ourselves to God –


We give our time to love one another and show mercy to those who need it.


We give our talents by creating something new to make the world a little brighter.


We give financially to help the ministries of our church serving our community.


We give by laying down our bodies to serve the body of Christ – to love and serve one another in the way God has called each of us to live. Amen.


Anthem –  


Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessing flow; praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. 


Offering Prayer – Susie Hiles


Sermon Series: Mosaic Faith: Deconstructing What We Think About God to See Something More Beautiful

Sermon: Deconstructing Evangelism & Mission







































Holy Communion Meditation & Prayer – Susie Hiles


Communion Song –  

What wondrous love is this, O my soul, O my soul

What wondrous love is this, O my soul

What wondrous love is this that caused the Lord of bliss

To bear the dreadful curse for my soul, for my soul

To bear the dreadful curse for my soul

To God and to the Lamb, I will sing, I will sing

To God and to the Lamb, I will sing

To God and to the Lamb, who is the great I Am

While millions join the theme, I will sing, I will sing

While millions join the theme, I will sing

And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on, I'll sing on

And when from death I'm free, I'll sing on

And when from death I'm free, I'll sing and joyful be

And through eternity, I'll sing on, I'll sing on

And through eternity, I'll sing on


We believe Jesus Christ is the gracious host at this table.

Everyone is welcome to participate in communion. Please pass tray to your neighbor after receiving your communion cups. Please help those who need assistance. Hold cups until instructed by Elder to take in unison.


Holy Communion Words of Institution Susie Hiles


InvitationIf you would like to make your statement of faith or become a member of ACC, you may come forward after the benediction or talk to our minister after worship.


*Announcements & Benediction


Please check your bulletin for our weekly activities and calendar of upcoming events this summer and transfer these dates to your personal calendars.


Please note that we will have a Youth Lake Day on June 30 from 3-5pm at the Williams’ home for all youth and their family and friends. Parents are encouraged to attend as we will need adult supervision. This should be a really fun afternoon for youth and their families and friends! You may talk to Joey for more information about the lake day on June 30.


I will be out of town the next two weeks but Beverly, Joey, and our elders will be around if you need anything.


We will have a short reception after worship to celebrate our graduates.


Will you please rise in body and spirit to receive the benediction?


Next week our youth minister, Joey, will be sharing his own story of deconstruction to conclude our Mosaic Faith series as he talks about deconstructing towards faith. I am excited for everyone to hear more of Joey’s journey.


Until then,


May we love in a way that strives to know a person more fully. And to know that everyone we meet is already a child of God – and you are too! May we tap into who we already are in Jesus Christ.





*Benediction Response


Sometimes you've gotta dance through the darkness

Sing through the fire

Praise when it don't make sense

Sometimes you've gotta stare down the giant

Worship from the lion's den

Sometimes you've gotta shout it from the mountain

Louder in the valley

Trusting that He's gonna get you there

Sometimes you've gotta welcome the wonder

Wait for the answer

Worship with your hands in the air

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Sometimes you've gotta praise in the prison

Cry out to heaven

Shout it 'til the doors swing wide

Sometimes you've gotta stand on your shackles

Brave in the battle

Worship with your hands held high

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the–

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In the highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Faithful all my life

Blessings day and night

Countless reasons why

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept

Goodness every step

Each and every breath

I'll praise You anywhere

Faithful all my life

Blessings day and night

Countless reasons why

I'll praise You anywhere

Every promise kept

Goodness every step

Each and every breath

I'll praise You anywhere

Praise, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest grace, give Him praise, give Him praise

In my highest, He is worthy

Yes, He is worthy of all of the praise

Oh, I'll praise You anywhere

Oh, mountain, oh, valley

I know that You're with me there

I'll praise You anywhere