Questions Jesus Asked - "Do you understand what I have done for you?"

Welcome & Opening Prayer


Good morning church!


I am Russell Clark and I am the senior minister here at Azle Christian Church. For those here in worship and those worshipping with us online, we’re so glad you’re here! May we understand more of who we are through the Gospel of Jesus Christ this morning!


We like for everyone to know a few things before we begin worship every week.


(1)   If you’re a guest today, we’re so happy you’re here! Filling out the attendance registration in your pew helps us connect names with faces and sharing your e-mail helps us to connect you to our weekly newsletter. There are information brochures in your pew to get to know us more and there is information about our weekly activities and calendar in your bulletin.

(2)   Second, we love our children here in worship and we always welcome them here. There is a kids corner in the back if your children need a space to move around. There is also a nursery available if you’d like.

(3)   Finally, our liturgy is posted each week on the website if you would like to follow along with our service.  


Will you pray with me as we begin this time of worship?


Lord – Through the power of your resurrection and the Holy Spirit you sent to be with us, may we come to understand who we are and the calling you have placed on all of our lives as your disciples this morning. Amen.


May we take a moment before we get started to greet those next to us with a hug or a high five!


Opening Songs:      

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee;

Let the water and the blood,

From Thy riven side which flowed,

Be of sin the double cure,

Save me from its guilt and power.


Not the labor of my hands

Can fulfill Thy law’s demands;

Could my zeal no respite know,

Could my tears forever flow,

All could never sin erase,

Thou must save, and save by grace.


Nothing in my hands I bring,

Simply to Thy cross I cling;

Naked, come to Thee for dress,

Helpless, look to Thee for grace:

Foul, I to the fountain fly,

Wash me, Savior, or I die.


While I draw this fleeting breath,

When mine eyes shall close in death,

When I soar to worlds unknown,

See Thee on Thy judgment throne,

Rock of Ages, cleft for me,

Let me hide myself in Thee.

As the Spirit was moving over the waters

Spirit, come move over us

Come rest on us

Come rest on us

As the Spirit was moving over the waters

Spirit, come move over us

Come rest on us

Come rest on us

So come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me

Come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me


Come fill us up

Come fill us up

Come fill us up

And as the Spirit was moving over the waters

Spirit, come move over us (come on)

Come rest on us

Come rest on us

As the Spirit was moving over the waters

Spirit, come move over us

Come rest on us

Come rest on us (I feel the fire)

Fire and wind, come and do it again

Open up the gates, let Heaven on in (come)

Come rest on us (won't you come)

Come rest on us (I feel the fire)

Fire and wind, come and do it again

Open up the gates, let Heaven on in

Come rest on us

Come rest on us

So come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me

Come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me

Won't You fill me afresh?

Fill me afresh (ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh)

Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want

You're all we want

Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want

You're all we want

Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want (yeah)

You're all we want

Oh, Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want

You're all we want (Holy Spirit)

Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want (yeah, you're all)

You're all we want (hey)

Holy Spirit, come rest on us

You're all we want

You're all we want

So come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill this room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me

Come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving (hey)

I'm here and I know You will fill me (won't You come down, come down?)

Come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me

Come down

Spirit, when You move You make my heart pound

When You fill the room

You're here and I know You are moving

I'm here and I know You will fill me


Litany of FaithDora McDonald

One: May we trust in the Lord with all our hearts and lean not on our own understanding.

All: May we listen for God’s voice in everything we do and everywhere we go so He will make our paths straight.

One: Let us love the Lord our God with all our heart and soul and mind and strength.

All: And love our neighbor as we do ourselves.

One: May we go into the world to make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

All: May you open our minds to understand the Scriptures and to practice the calling you have placed on our lives. And be near to us on this journey. Amen.


Scripture Meditation – John 13:12-17

“When he had finished washing their feet, he put on his clothes and returned to his place. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” he asked them. “You call me “Teacher” and “Lord,” and rightly so, for that is what I am. Now that I, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also should wash one another’s feet. I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you. Very truly I tell you, no servant is greater than his master, nor is a messenger greater than the one who sent him. Now that you know these things, you will be blessed if you do them.”


One: This is the word of God for the people of God.

All: Thanks be to God.


This is a question Jesus asked his disciples multiple times throughout his life. “Do you understand what I have done for you?” It is one thing to see and hear what Jesus said and did. It is another thing to understand the deeper meaning and symbolism behind what Jesus wanted to teach us. And it is another thing to put it into practice as we live with the understanding and purpose and calling Jesus has given to us.


Let us not check our brains at the door this morning, but open our hearts and minds to hear AND understand the good word God has for each of you this morning.


Consider this as we enter our time of prayer and prepare for the sermon this morning.


Pastoral Prayer



The Lord be with you. And Also with you. Let us pray.


Lord – Open our hearts to care for your people.

Open our ears to listen to the stories we haven’t heard.

Open our mouths to speak the truth of your grace and forgiveness.

Open our minds to understand the message you have for us.

Open our souls to receive your love.


Get our feet ready for dancing. Give us strength to move mountains. Clean our hands so we might extend a hand to the broken and lost.


May the world come to know your crazy, countercultural message that unites us. May we show the world that this table of Jesus Christ is for everyone. May we welcome our enemies to this table. May we welcome those who have been hurt to be healed. May we welcome those who have been cut out and welcome them back home.


May not our will but your will be done, O Lord. Open our eyes to see who you are and what you have planned for us. Guide us throughout every moment of every day of our lives to be who you call us to be.


Thank you Lord for this amazing grace that transforms our lives, our families, our church, our community, and this world! May we be your light in the dark. May we break free from the box the world tries to fit us in so we can be more like you as your disciples.


And Lord, will you hear us as we pray the prayer Jesus taught us…


Our Father, who art in heaven

Hallowed be thy name

Thy kingdom come, thy will be done

On earth as it is in heaven

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our debts

As we forgive our debtors

And lead us not into temptation

But Deliver us from evil

For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.



 1 Though I may speak with bravest fire,

and have the gift to all inspire,

and have not love, my words are vain,

as sounding brass, and hopeless gain.

2 Though I may give all I possess,

and striving so my love profess,

but not be giv'n by love within,

the profit soon turns strangely thin.

3 Come, Spirit, come, our hearts control,

our spirits long to be made whole.

Let inward love guide every deed;

by this we worship and are freed.

Children’s Moment – Susie Hiles


Sharing Our Resources

There are many ways to support the ministries of Azle Christian Church. You can give online on our website, on Venmo, use the QR code in your bulletin, or place it in the offering plate as the deacons come by during our anthem. You can also put in a prayer request card or information card in the plate. 


Anthem – With Every Act of Love


Doxology - Praise God from whom all blessing flow; praise God, all creatures here below; Praise God above, ye heavenly host: Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen. 


Offering Prayer – Dora McDonald


Sermon Series: Questions Jesus Asked

Sermon: “Do you understand what I have done for you?” – Rev. Russell Clark


Holy Communion Meditation & Prayer – Dora McDonald


Communion Song –

We gather here in Jesus' name

His love is burning in our hearts like living flame

For through His loving Son the Father makes us one

Come take the bread come drink the wine

Come share the Lord

No one is a stranger here,

everyone belongs;

finding our forgiveness here,

we in turn forgive all wrongs.

He joins us here He breaks the bread

The Lord who pours the cup is risen from the dead

The One we love the most is now our gracious host

Come take the bread come drink the wine

Come share the Lord

We are now a family

of which the Lord is head;

though unseen he meets us here

in the breaking of the bread.

We'll gather soon where angels sing

We'll see the glory of our Lord and coming King

Now we anticipate the feast for which we wait

Come take the bread come drink the wine

Come share the Lord



We believe Jesus Christ is the gracious host at this table.

Everyone is welcome to participate in communion. Please pass tray to your neighbor after receiving your communion cups. Please help those who need assistance. Hold cups until instructed by Elder to take in unison.


Holy Communion Words of InstitutionDora McDonald


Invitation – If you would like to make your statement of faith or become a member of ACC, you may come forward after the benediction or talk to our minister after worship.


*Announcements & BenedictionRev. Russ Clark



A few announcements for this week before our benediction:


You can find information on the back of your bulletin about our weekly activities, such as Sunday School, our Ukulele Group, our Wednesday dinner and bible study, and our prayer group. In the insert, you will find our calendar to transfer to your personal calendars. We also have a google calendar on our website to add to your personal calendar.


This Tuesday I will be at central park at 9:30 in the morning to walk the circle and pray for our church & community if anyone would like to join me! Please invite your friends to join us, as this will be a more informal way for them to get to know me and what our church is about.


This Wednesday there will be activities for the youth and children after our Wednesday dinner, but there will be no bible study for the adults, as we will head straight into our leadership team meeting after dinner.


We still have some T-shirts available if anyone would like one for $25.


Again, be sure to check our calendar for everything we have coming up in April & May.


Finally, If you or someone you know needs a visit OR has a prayer request OR would like home communion, you may contact the church office or contact me directly.



Will you please rise in body and in spirit to receive this benediction?


Next Sunday, I will be in Florida to officiate a friend’s wedding, but our youth minister, Joey, will be continuing our Questions Jesus Asked series with, “Why do you see the speck?”


Until then,


May we seek to understand what Jesus has done for us so we may be servant leaders like him. May you be filled with the courage and passion of the Holy Spirit to love and care for one another, as we stand united to share this countercultural Gospel message about this radical love.





I, the Lord of sea and sky

I have heard my people cry

All who dwell in dark and sin

My hand will save

I have made the stars of night

I will make their darkness bright

Who will bear my light to them?

Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord

Is it I, Lord?

I have heard You calling in the night

I will go, Lord

If You lead me

I will hold Your people in my heart

I, the Lord of wind and flame

I will tend the poor and lame

I will set a feast for them

My hand will save

Finest bread I will provide

'Til their hearts be satisfied

I will give my life to them

Whom shall I send?

Here I am, Lord

Is it I, Lord?

I have heard You calling in the night

I will go, Lord

If You lead me

I will hold Your people in my heart

I will hold Your people in my heart